
Recent Profile Articles

Stories to inspire you.

After a challenging and memorable year, we're proud to recognize these resilient change makers—the finalists for the fifth annual Brilliance Awards.

The Grand Rapids Women's Golf Association (GRWGA) was started for the love of golf, friendly competition and comradery by Judy Kamis, Marcie Palmer and Sue Westphall—three entrepreneurs.

Priority Health has shared that Megan Schmidt—who has served as vice president of sales and client services for Priority Health for the last four years and has been with the company in a variety of leadership roles since 2005—has been promoted to the position of senior vice president of employer solutions.

There's officially new leadership at one of West Michigan's leading community organizations. Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women (GROW) has welcomed Milinda Ysasi as its new CEO, following the retirement of long-time CEO, Bonnie Nawara.

It's not uncommon to think of taking a ghost or crime tour down in the Big Easy, where third eye explorations reign supreme. But did you know Grand Rapids also has its own infamous history worth exploring? That's what Eirann Betka-Pope and their wife Jenna Betka-Pope sought to share with others through the creation of GR Crime Tours.

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