
Our lives wouldn't be what they are without the stellar local establishments found around every corner of West Michigan, from the newly founded to the well-established and everything in between. Those local staples are what the West Michigan Woman Readers' Choice Awards are all about.

With categories reflective of sections of the magazine and website, the awards seek to highlight YOUR favorite local businesses and people who deserve to be recognized for the services and specialties they provide.

Earlier this fall, West Michigan Woman readers voted and rallied to have their voices heard—and the results are in. Keep reading to see our finalists and winners for the third annual Readers' Choice Awards.

*Categories with more than three businesses indicate a tie during the nomination period. Beneath the winner, remaining category finalists appear in alphabetical order.*

Options for beauty services in West Michigan abound! We know from personal experience: Once you find your go-to professional who just "gets it," you'll be fiercely loyal. With beauty and aesthetic services being sources of self-care for many, it was necessary to recognize those establishments which make us feel like our best selves—from a haircut and a facial to that cosmetic procedure you've always wanted.

Day Spa
Design 1 Salon Spa | design1.com
Ethos Day Spa | ethosdayspa.com
Woodhouse Spa | facebook.com/woodhousegrandrapids

Hair Salon
Design 1 Salon Spa | design1.com
Lilith's Lair | lilithslairgr.com
Salon Re: | salonre.com

Nail Salon
POSH Nails & Spa | poshnails.net
Design 1 Salon Spa | design1.com
JV Nails & Spa | jvnailsandspa.business.site

Lash & Brow Services
Siren & Proper | sirenandproper.com
The Reckoning Studio | thereckoningstudio.com
Skinfluencer | skinfluencer.as.me
Wanderlux Salon + Spa | wanderluxgr.com

Plastic Surgery
Bengtson Center for Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery | bengtsoncenter.com
Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery - Dr. Ringler | stevenringlermd.com
Plastic Surgery Associates | psa-gr.com

Medical Spa
Beauty ReNew Aesthetics | mybeautyrenew.com
Bengtson Center for Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery | bengtsoncenter.com
Skin CoLAB | skincolab.com

Tattoo Studio
Honest to Goodness | htgtattoo.com
balm. | balmtattooing.com
Meeting House | @meetinghousetatu

Prioritizing overall well-being through each of life's seasons is something West Michigan Woman has always taken seriously. Though wellness services come in a variety of forms and range across a plethora of providers, they all have one thing in common: Each helps women throughout the West Michigan community live their healthiest and happiest lives—whatever that looks like for them.

Physical Gym
YMCA | grymca.org
MVP Athletic Club | mvpsportsclubs.com
Valeo / Training | valeotraining.com

Boutique Fitness Studio
The Barre Code Grand Rapids | thebarrecode.com/mi-grand-rapids-grhh/
CKO Kickboxing | ckokickboxing.com/mi-grand-rapids
Valeo / Training | valeotraining.com

Nutritional Services
Born Clinic | bornclinic.com
DBC Natural Holistic Health Center, PLLC | drdenboer.com
Harmonic Wellness Centre | harmonicwellnesscentre.com

Cannabis & CBD Provisionary
Pharmhouse Wellness | pharmhousewellness.com
CBD Store of Michigan | cbdstoremi.com
Fluresh | fluresh.com

Women's Health Clinics & Services
Grand Rapids Women's Health | grandrapidswomenshealth.com
Harmonic Wellness Centre | harmonicwellnesscentre.com
true. Women's Health | truewomenshealth.com
Women's+ Health Collective | whcollective.com

Mental Health Services
Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services | pinerest.org
THE PLAYGROUNDgr | theplaygroundgr.org
Wedgwood Christian Services | wedgwood.org

Addiction Services
Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services | pinerest.org
Sanford Behavioral Health | sanfordbehavioralhealth.com
Wedgwood Christian Services | wedgwood.org

Holistic Care Center
Harmonic Wellness Centre - Hollie Schipper, ND | harmonicwellnesscentre.com
Integrative Wellness Grand Rapids - Carrie Dennie, ND, RAc | integrativewellnessgr.com
Natural Health Improvement Center | nhicwestmi.com

Chiropractic Care
Rise Wellness Chiropractic | risewellnesschiro.com
Kooistra Chiropractic Clinic | kooistrachiropractic.com
The Chiropractic Doctors | bestgrandrapidschiropractor.com

Dermatology Associates of West Michigan | myskindoctors.com
West Michigan Dermatology | westmichiganderm.com
Wolverine Dermatology | wolverinedermatology.com

Great Lakes Dental Care | greatlakesdentalcare.com
616 Dental Studio | 616dentalstudio.com
Brian S. Nylaan, DDS | nylaandental.com

Grand Rapids Ophthalmology | seeitclear.com
Cascade Ophthalmology, PC | cascadeeyes.com
Premier Family Eyecare | premierfamilyeyes.com

C-SNIP | csnip.org
Cottonwood Veterinary Center | cottonwoodvetcenter.com
Family Friends Veterinary Hospital | familyfriendsvet.com

West Michigan Woman is passionate about empowering women to be firm in their determination to break the mold and succeed in business. Whether it's returning to the professional workforce after years away, breaking into a traditionally male-dominated industry, fostering mentor/mentee relationships or finding the right developer for your ecommerce website, these businesses, institutions and associations help make "dream careers" our everyday realities.

Professional Association
Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce | grandrapids.org
Inforum | inforummichigan.org
SWAN - Strong Women Arise Network | swansuccess.com

Continuing Education
Grand Valley State University | gvsu.edu
Cornerstone University | cornerstone.edu
Grand Rapids Community College | grcc.edu

Skilled Trade Education
Grand Rapids Community College | grcc.edu
West Michigan Construction Institute | wmcinstitute.com
Wedgwood Christian Services | wedgwood.org

Law Firm
Warner Norcross + Judd LLP | wnj.com
Coonen Law, PLLC | coonen-law.com
Mika Meyers PLC | mikameyers.com
Sadek Law PLC | sadeklawplc.com

Insurance Agency
Great Lakes Insurance & Financial Services Agency | glibrokers.com
BHS Insurance | bhsins.com
The Insurance Group - Stacy Segrist Kamphuis | Doug Kamphuis | the-insurance-group.com

Accounting Services
Hungerford Nichols CPAs + Advisors | hungerfordnichols.com
4K Accounting Services | 4kaccounting.com
Symmetrical Solutions | symmetrical-solutions.com

IT Services
TIE: Kinetix Technology Services | kinetixinc.com & Rehmann | rehmann.com
Business System Solutions | bssconsulting.com
Millenia Technologies | mtvoip.com

It can be overwhelming to know what choices to make in relation to our personal finances, especially when taking on endeavors for the first time like buying a home, transitioning a loved one into a retirement community, ensuring your estate is in order and more. That's where these professionals come in! No matter the occasion or situation, knowing who you can trust with your finances is paramount.

Financial Advisor
Abby Lininger – Drake Financial Group - Primerica | drakefg.com
Daniel Kempker – Baird Private Wealth Management | kkcp.bairdwealth.com/team/daniel-kempker
Growtrust Partners | growtrust.com

Huntington Bank | huntington.com
Fifth Third Bank | 53.com
United Bank | unitedbank4u.com

Mortgage Lending
Lake Michigan Credit Union | lmcu.org
Treadstone Funding | treadstonemortgage.com
VanDyk Mortgage | vandykmortgage.com

Credit Union
Lake Michigan Credit Union | lmcu.org
Adventure Credit Union | adventurecu.org
Consumers Credit Union | consumerscu.org

Estate Planning
Mika Meyers PLC | mikameyers.com
CBH Attorneys & Counselors | cbhattorneys.com
Coonen Law, PLLC | coonen-law.com

Divorce Attorney
Mika Meyers PLC | mikameyers.com
Debra Colletti – Colletti & Mobilia PC | collettiandmobilia.com
Thacker Sleight PC | thackersleight.com

Whether it's your favorite sweater, those handmade earrings you pull out for special occasions or that perfect gift for someone special, West Michigan's boutiques and talented artisans create and offer unique goods that match our vibes to a T. Because we know self-expression so often shines through one's personal style, we encourage you to make bold choices in the name of honoring your true self.

Women's Clothing Boutique
Gina's Boutique | ginasgr.com
A.K. Rikk's | akrikks.com
Leigh's | leighsfashions.com

Children's Boutique
Pink Lemonade | pinklemonademi.com
Hopscotch Children's Store | hopscotchstore.com
Tip Toes | shoptiptoes.com

Men's Boutique
Fitzgerald's Men's Store | fitzs.com
A.K. Rikk's | akrikks.com
Glik's | gliks.com

Bridal Boutique
Renee Austin Wedding | reneeaustinwedding.com
Second Dance Bridal & Formal Consignment | seconddancegr.com
Spring Sweet | springsweet.com
True Society – Grand Rapids | facebook.com/truesocietygrandrapids

Shoe Store
Mieras Family Shoes | mierasfamilyshoes.com
Borr's Shoes and Accessories | borrs.com
VanHoecks Footwear | vanhoecks.com

DeVries Jewelers | devriesjewelers.com
Almassian Jewelers | almassianjewelers.com
Preusser Jewelers | preusserjewelers.com

Consignment or Sustainable Boutique
Gild the Lily | shopgildthelily.com
Rock Paper Scissors Consignment Boutique | rpsconsign.com
Wearforward | wear-forward.com

Shopping District
Downtown Holland | downtownholland.com
Breton Village | cwdrealestate.com/great-spaces/breton-village
Uptown | uptowngr.com

What's better than a good getaway? Most would argue: not much! Like you, the West Michigan Woman team are fans of the many exhilarating and rejuvenating experiences found all throughout West Michigan and beyond. From weekends spent enjoying art-centric events to soaking up the simplicity and stillness of a quaint waterfront destination, our state and region offer an abundance of opportunities for exploration.

Amway Grand Plaza | amwaygrand.com
Canopy by Hilton | facebook.com/canopygrandrapids
JW Marriott Grand Rapids | facebook.com/ilovethejw

Grand Traverse Resort & Spa | grandtraverseresort.com
Crystal Mountain | crystalmountain.com
Grand Hotel | grandhotel.com

Bed & Breakfast
The Inn at Black Star Farms | blackstarfarms.com/inn
Peaches Bed and Breakfast | peachesinn.com
Wickwood Inn | ​​wickwoodinn.com

Golf Course
Egypt Valley Country Club | egyptvalley.com
Pilgrim's Run Golf Club | pilgrimsrun.com
Thousand Oaks Golf Club | thousandoaksgolf.com

Weekend Getaway
Traverse City | traversecity.com
Grand Haven | visitgrandhaven.com
Ludington | pureludington.com
Saugatuck/Douglas | saugatuck.com

Travel Agency
Witte Travel & Tours | wittetravel.com
Cruise Planners – Lori Visser, VTA | globespinnertravel.com
Edgewood Travel – Meredith Rothouse | edgewoodtravel.com/team/meredith-rothouse

Arts Attraction
Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park | meijergardens.org
ArtPrize | artprize.org
Grand Rapids Art Museum | artmuseumgr.org

Family-Friendly Attraction
John Ball Zoo | jbzoo.org
Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park | boulderridgewap.com
Grand Rapids Children's Museum | grcm.org
Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park | meijergardens.org

Outdoor Attraction
Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park | meijergardens.org
Blandford Nature Center | blandfordnaturecenter.org
John Ball Zoo | jbzoo.org

Sports Attraction
West Michigan Whitecaps | milb.com/west-michigan
Grand Rapids Griffins | griffinshockey.com
Muskegon Luge Adventure Sports Park | msports.org

The old saying "home is where the heart is" rings true for a reason. Your abode is your own personal shelter from the storm, where milestones happen and where memories are always being made. Thankfully, whether you're planting spring flowers for the garden, are on the hunt for the perfect accent chair, or are seeking a designer to create your dream dwelling, these West Michigan establishments have you covered.

Realtor/Real Estate Agent
Kristin Siebers – City2Shore | kristinsiebers.city2shore.com
Brandon Snellink – RE/MAX | brandonsnellink.remax-michigan.com
Megan Hill – EXP Realty LLC | exprealty.com
Stacey Czarnopis – Charter Properties | charterpropertiesgr.com/agent/stacey-czarnopis

Home Decor
Delight In Designs | delightindesigns.com
Commune | @commune_gr
Kathryn Chaplow COLLECT | kathrynchaplowcollect.com
Mason Jones | masonjonesshops.com

Talsma Furniture | talsmafurniture.com
Huizen's Furniture | huizensfurniture.com
Klingman's Furniture & Design | klingmans.com

DeGraaf Interiors | degraafinteriors.com
Rockford Floor Covering | rockfordfloorcoveringmi.com
West Michigan Flooring | westmiflooring.com

Interior Design
Katelynn Scott – Decorating Den Interiors | katelynnscott.decoratingden.com
Evolve Organizing Solutions | evolveorganizingsolutions.com
Kathryn Chaplow Interior Design | kathrynchaplow.com

Residential Contractor/Home Builder
DeHaan Homes | dehaanhomes.com
Lanser Construction | [email protected]
Snowden Builders | snowdenbuilders.com

Interior Renovation Services
Grand Rapids Construction, LLC | grandrapidsconstruction.com
Amber Valley Construction | ambervalleyconstruction.com
HWC Homeworks Corp. | hwchomeworks.com
PK Building Remodeling, LLC | pkbuildingremodeling.com

Kitchen Remodeling
Shelly's Kitchens & Designs | shellyskitchens.com
HWC Homeworks Corp. | hwchomeworks.com
TruKitchens | trukitchens.com

Landscape & Outdoor Design
Harder & Warner Landscapes and Boutique Gardens | harderandwarner.com
Hilbrands Landscape Management, Inc. | 616.942.9591
Kappes Landscapes | kappeslandscapes.com

Countryside Greenhouse | countrysidegreenhouse.com
Koetsier's Greenhouse | koetsiers.com
Motman's Greenhouses | motmansgreenhouses.net

Cleaning Services
Clean Bee Home Services | cleanbeehomeservices.com
Pinnacle Cleaning Services | pinnaclean.com
Sparkle & Shine Cleaning Services of West Michigan | sparkleandshinecleaningservices.net

Handyman Services
Mr. Handyman of Greater Grand Rapids | mrhandyman.com/greater-grand-rapids
Overbuilt Construction Co. | overbuiltco.com
PK Building Remodeling, LLC | pkbuildingremodeling.com

Organizing Services
JJ Organizational Design | jjorganizeme.com
Evolve Organizing Solutions | evolveorganizingsolutions.com
West Michigan Organizing Company | westmiorganizingco.com

Godwin Plumbing & Hardware | godwinplumbing.com
Canfield Plumbing & Heating | canfieldph.com
McDonald Plumbing | mcdonaldplumbing.com

Cherry Valley Plumbing & Electrical | cherryvalleype.com
Accent Electric | 616.361.5140
Webb Electric of Grand Rapids | facebook.com/webbelectric

HVAC Services
Vredevoogd Heating & Cooling | vredevoogd.com
ACR Heating and Cooling | acrheatingandcooling.com
R & R Mechanical Services | rrmechanicalsvs.com

Car Dealership
Fox Motors | foxmotors.com
Borgman Ford Mazda | borgmanmazda.com
Sparta Chevrolet | spartachevy.com

Automotive Repair Shop
Christian Brothers Automotive | cbac.com
Arie Nol Auto Center | arienol.com
Ronda Auto Centers | rondaautocenters.com

Pet Boarding
Whiskers Resort & Pet Spa | whiskerspetresort.com
Camp Bow Wow | campbowwow.com
Eddie and Barkus | eddieandbarkusholland.com
Lazy K Kennels | lazykkennels.com

Pet Grooming
Fido & Stitch | fidoandstitch.com
The Hound Dog Pet Grooming | facebook.com/thehounddoggr
Tiffany's Pet Spot | tiffanyspetspot.com

You could throw a dart at a map of West Michigan and chances are it's going to land on one of the many beyond delicious bars, restaurants, coffee shops and more found throughout the region. It's true: There's always something new to try—from brews, brunch food and Bordeaux blends to the farm fresh and fancy. We'll raise a glass to that!

Farmers Market
Fulton Street Market | fultonstreetmarket.org
Holland Farmers Market | hollandfarmersmarket.com
Rockford Farmers Market | rockford.mi.us

St. Julian Winery | stjulian.com
Hudsonville Winery | hudsonvillewinery.com
Kayla Rae Cellars | kaylaraecellars.com
Michigan Wine Company | michiganwineco.com

Founders Brewing Co. | foundersbrewing.com
Brewery Vivant | breweryvivant.com
New Holland Brewing | newhollandbrew.com

Long Road Distillers | longroaddistillers.com
Eastern Kille Distillery | easternkille.com
Wise Men Distillery | wisemendistillery.com

Anna's House | annashouseus.com
Morning Belle | morningbellebrunch.com
Terra GR | terragr.com

Fine Dining
Leo's Seafood & Restaurant Bar | leosrestaurant.com
Bowdie's Chophouse | bowdieschophouse.com
MDRD | amwaygrand.com/dining/mdrd

Farm-to-Table Dining
Terra GR | terragr.com
Café Mamo | cafemamo.com
grove | groverestaurant.com

Vegan/Vegetarian Dining
The Green Well | thegreenwell.com
Gaia House | gaiahousecafe.com
Stella's Lounge | stellaslounge.com
The Unicorn Tavern | theunicorntavern.com

Casual Dining
Butcher's Union | butchersuniongr.com
Butcher Block Social | butcherblocksocial.com
Seventy-Six Restaurant | seventysixholland.com

Coffee Shop
Madcap Coffee | madcapcoffee.com
Herman's Boy | hermansboy.com
Last Mile Cafe | lastmile.cafe

Juice & Smoothie Bar
Fruition | thefruitionlife.com
Good Judy's Market & Juice Bar | drinkgoodjudys.com
Sip Organic Juice Bar | siporganicjuicebar.com

Cocktail Bar
SIDEBARGR | sidebargrandrapids.com
Buffalo Traders Lounge | buffalotraderslounge.com
Drip Drop Cocktail Room | dripdropcocktailroom.com
Obstacle No.1 | obstacleholland.com

We know firsthand how much goes into planning a special event and how every detail eventually comes together. No matter if you're planning a company retreat, baby shower, wedding, retirement celebration or otherwise, the special event experts in West Michigan are always willing to put their best foot forward to ensure the vision for your occasion comes to life.

Event Planner
Pineapple Punch Events | pineapplepunchevents.com
Destination Consultants | destinationconsultants.com
Special Occasions, LLC | specialoccasionsmi.com

Intimate Event Space (Capacity under 50)
The Goei Center | thegoeicenter.com
Glass House | glasshouse.community
West End GR | westendgr.com

Special Event or Wedding Venue (Capacity of 50 and up)
The Goei Center | thegoeicenter.com
The High Five GR | thehighfivegr.com
Wildwood Family Farms | wildwoodfamilyfarms.com

Catering Services
Gilmore Catering | gilmore-catering.com
Kangaroo Kitchen and Catering | kangarookitchengr.com
KJ Catering | kjcatering.net

Rental Services
Cascade Rental Center | cascaderental.com
B-n-T Tents Inc. | bnttents.com
Special Occasions, LLC | specialoccasionsmi.com

Eastern Floral | easternfloral.com
Kennedy's Flowers & Gifts | kennedyfloral.com
Posh Petals | poshpetalsfloral.com

Elise Kutt – Mod Bettie Portrait Boutique | modbettie.com
Deb Oliviaria – Oliviara Multi Media | oliviaramultimedia.com
Michael Buck – M-Buck Studio, LLC | mbuckstudio.com

Event Entertainment
Brena | brenaband.com
Adrian Butler (AB) | everythingab.com
QC Event Sound | facebook.com/qceventsound

Courtesy of West Michigan Woman.

 This article originally appeared in the Dec '23/Jan '24 issue of West Michigan Woman.