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Family caregiving is more complex and stressful than ever before. That's why Spectrum Health offers Private Duty Care, an at-home nursing and assisted living service, to provide a break to family members who serve as caregivers by shifting the day-to-day care and activities to the private duty caregiver.

Over the past year, West Michigan Woman delved into a variety of topics relating to our relationships with significant others. We hope these highlights will contribute to your relationship's continued bliss.

You guys, this is my best idea ever. I take pride in knowing that when I thought of this about eight years ago, I couldn't find much else about it on the Internet. I like to call myself the Santa Bag pioneer. I'm probably not, but it makes me feel good. Just roll with it.

It can be a tough call to know how involved your child should be in extracurricular activities—and to know how hard you should push your child to tough out a rough season or continue with lessons they aren't enthusiastic about.

Sometimes the holidays can feel like it's more about getting than giving. As you prepare for this festive season, here are a few tips to get your family, especially the younger members, to get into the spirit of giving.

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