
Golf is a family game. Unlike basketball or baseball, the tall people don't have to sit on the sidelines—everyone plays together. Kasie Smith, publisher of West Michigan Woman, thoroughly enjoys her family's golf outings. On Monday, May 23, she will be perfecting her golf skills—and acquiring some tips for her young boys—at the West Michigan Woman Golf Clinic & Scramble, at Boulder Creek Golf Club.

Kasie's twin boys received their first set of golf clubs at age 3. They would swing them around their yard as they began to learn the golf-related ropes. They are now both enrolled in golf lessons and their interest in the game continues to grow.

For the Smiths, golf is a great opportunity for the family to play outside together—without an iPad or television in sight! "So often, we get caught into the routines of every day," Kasie said, "but being on the golf course slows things down and we just get to enjoy!" 

A typical round of Smith family golf begins by hitting some balls on the driving range. Then the whole crew hops in a golf cart, and off they go. The day always includes laughter and encouragement. While there are times that her boys peter out half way through the course, to Kasie what matters is that they keep coming back for more!

Playing 18 holes of Smith family golf could take all day—and Kasie and her husband wouldn't want it any other way.

Click here to learn more about the 2016 West Michigan Woman Golf Clinic & Scramble. It is a great opportunity to hone the skills you will use on the course this summer, whether you are playing with or without children!

Written by Lisa Stickler, staff writer for West Michigan Woman magazine. 


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