
Recent Wellness Articles

Improve your mind, body and spirit.

No one wants their child to be teased, discriminated against, or predisposed to health complications later in life. Nor does anyone want to create unhealthy yo-yo dieting habits or body image issues.

If persistent, recurrent problems with sexual response or desire are distressing you, or straining your relationship with your partner, you are experiencing female sexual dysfunction.

I see you, working girl. I know you just finished saving the world—one agonizing e-mail, meeting, and conference call at a time.

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week is February 22 – 28, 2015.

Fitbits are digital wearables that track health statistics, including steps, distance, calories burned, stairs climbed, and sleep quality. They allow wearers to sync to their smartphone or computer, generate graphs that help wearers visualize their progress, and motivate by sending personalized feedback and offering the opportunity to challenge Fitbit-wearing friends.

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