
Recent Career Articles

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Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, networking is a necessary evil—unless, of course, you work in a cave and are required to stay in said cave and never leave. Most of us in the professional world need to attend lunches, evening soirées, and breakfast events to grow our network and to build mutually beneficial relationships; this is also referred to as business development. It isn’t that hard, right? You just show up, have a couple of drinks, make conversation, and BOOM!, a great relationship is born. Wouldn’t it be great if it was really that easy?

Last week, we explored the growing trend of women's roles in the field of technology. Although stereotypically, women are placed outside of the realm of fields related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), the barriers created by gender are coming down, and the tables of women in leadership related to these fields are turning. Click here to read part one of the Women in Technology: Turning the Tables series. 

When it comes to women in the workforce, society and the media traditionally place them in nurturing or social fields such as nursing, teaching, or administration positions. With time and a savvy business acumen, that stereotype is changing as we are seeing a shift in women joining fields that are traditionally held by men. In the United States, only twenty percent of jobs in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are held by women. As technology begins to take over every aspect of our personal and business lives, it only seems natural that more women would, in one way or another, find themselves embracing the field, and allowing their own career paths to lead them toward technology. 

Beverly Wall left her rural roots to move to Grand Rapids in 1976 and pursue her dream of becoming a successful woman business owner. Today, she is the owner of several companiesincluding Languages International Inc. a once-struggling company that she was able to turn around with a two hundred percent sales increase in less than two years.  

Many women aren’t comfortable dealing with negotiations, even when something they really want (and deserve!) is on the line. Vickie Milazzo shares nine tips to help you stop underpricing yourself and start getting paid what you’re worth. If you’re ready to stop sitting back and start negotiating like you mean it, read on for nine of Milazzo’s tried-and-true tips. 

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