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Explore what success in the workplace means to you.

Disclaimer: There are some broad sweeping generalizations at play here. Keep in mind we compiled this list to help, not humiliate. Millennials are supposed to be driven by feedback, right? Don't worry, we also poke at our old, technologically inept selves, too.

What makes some people more successful in work and life than others? Our social intelligence—the way we manage ourselves and negotiate complex social relationships and environments—can play a critical role in determining our success and happiness. However, social intelligence is a set of skills that can be taught and enhanced when purposefully pursued.

Introverts value quiet time—it's what recharges them. Introverts value in-depth conversation, but making small talk can feel draining. While we all acknowledge the importance of building a professional network, networking events can be stressful for introverts.

Why bother contacting your elected officials? You're busy, right? Do they really listen, anyway?

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