
Recent Career Articles

Explore what success in the workplace means to you.

Many women enter the job force after raising their children, typically earning less than equally educated male counterparts and statistically living longer than these same males. The amount of money women need to save for retirement is greater than males need, and it has to last longer.

If you are not single yet, plan to become single. And plan to live well. Statistically it will happen, and you must already be savvy in many important lifestyle areas.  

Do you want to make a huge difference for your future descendants and their descendants? If so, do this exercise: Write down a list of your descendants, including the young babies. 

We are hearing more and more about large businesses and Corporate Social Responsibility. Many have heard about Corporate Social Responsibility, but do not know what CSR is or think it is only something large corporations could embrace. Small businesses like yours could practice CSR—but first, what is it?

I recently received a LinkedIn request from someone I worked with years ago. She'd lost her job, through position elimination, and wanted to reconnect to see if I might be able to offer some assistance. It had been several years (five or more) since we’d even worked together. We were connected on Facebook, but that only gets you so far in staying in touch with your professional network.

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