
Recent Career Articles

Explore what success in the workplace means to you.

It's that time of year: Everyone wants to be on vacation. Keeping things running smoothly while managing time-off requests for in a fair manner could be a challenge for any business owner or manager. Here are a few tips for managing the deluge of requests for days off:

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ... it seems there's some new trend in social media tool that's all the rage, every time you turn around. For busy women, there's just not time to learn them all, nor is it necessary. However, LinkedIn is one social media tool you can't to do without, and it's important to know how to use all of its components to leverage its benefits.

Get from where you are to where you want to be.
Are you thinking about a new career—one that’s personally meaningful and fulfilling, that aligns with your passions? One where you can shine, use your strengths and talents, or climb the ladder? You may need a career coach.

Diane Kniowski, WOOD TV, WOTV, and WXSP TV president and general manager, collects snow globes. The whimsical trinkets are mementos that also reflect the news world: Sometimes, the world is still; everything appears normal. When the world is shaken up, the view changes dramatically. Diane? She barely gets rattled. Some family members lovingly refer to her as The Enforcer. She is a general manager. She’s comfortable with change. She always knows where to be.

Melissa Werkman, Down Syndrome Association executive director, is a woman with a powerful story of perseverance and courage. In January she spoke at the ATHENA Leadership Forum, focusing on the tenet of Courageous Acts from the ATHENA Leadership Model. We caught up with Melissa recently and asked some additional questions, delving deeper into how she lives courageously each day—and we discovered some good advice for those who are just finding their voice.

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