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Enjoy diverse perspectives from West Michigan women.

Several West Michigan businesses have been doing Mother Nature proud, with both their products and practices. As we gear up to celebrate Earth Day, get to know some local businesses who are taking their environmentally conscious efforts seriously.

If the young ones in your life are looking forward to the upcoming arrival of a special basket from the Easter bunny, you may be starting to ponder what you can purchase that goes beyond the traditional choices of jellybeans and chocolate rabbits. Check out some local options for little gifts that are sure to please!

International Transgender Day of Visibility (ITDOV) occurs annually on March 31 and is a day to celebrate all transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) people around the world. To learn more about ITDOV and how the community can be supportive and affirming of transgender and gender non-conforming people, West Michigan Woman sat caught up with Jazz McKinney, Executive Director, Grand Rapids Pride Center.

Make-A-Wish® Michigan recently hosted their first inaugural women's initiative called the W.I.S.H. Society. Standing for "Women Inspiring Strength & Hope," the program celebrates women who do exactly what the name says!

As we approach yet another Thanksgiving holiday, it's important, as always, to take a moment to reflect upon the things you're thankful for in life.

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