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Stories to inspire you.

Before she was an award-winning writer, editor, and strategist, Dawn Pick Benson wrestled with the concept of leadership and her role as a leader. Now having had career experience in corporate, non-profit, and higher education sectors, Dawn has reconciled her beliefs about leadership and has decided to make an impact on her world.

The Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Kendall College of Art and Design (KCAD) Fashion Studies program announced the official naming of the program as the Pamella Roland DeVos School of Fashion. The program is named for Pamella Roland DeVos, a Grand Rapids native and president and designer of Pamella Roland, a renowned international fashion company headquartered in New York City. The naming is in honor of a $1 million gift the Dan and Pamella DeVos Foundation made to KCAD’s Fashion Studies program, a donation that will help the new program grow and raise its profile around the country and within the industry.

Kim McDonough Pilates instructors in Grand Rapids are doing their part to provide services to those affected by breast cancer. Kim McDonough and her staff at Core Pilates & Barre will be trained and certified in post-surgery rehabilitation exercises through the Pink Ribbon Program next month. 

Do you feel like you're in a career rut? Your goals (if any) seem unreachable, or you can't pin down exactly what you want to do with your job or life. A coach could help you prioritize, provide advice and support, and point you in the right direction. Kimberly Gleason experienced the benefits of a coach firsthand and was able to form a major business goal—to open a coaching business of her own. Now, Kimberly Gleason Coaching exists to help your life "flourish and grow." 

True or false? When your mother tells you to do something, you want to do the opposite. For a just-out-of-college Diane Griffin, the answer was true. But eight years ago, she resigned to the fact that sometimes, moms just know best. Now, she's making her real estate-savvy mother and her community proud with her commitment to the thriving business community and local philanthropic efforts. 

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