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I've been a member of the Inforum team since 2017 and was an executive member of Inforum for many years before that, and one of the things I'm most proud of about our organization is our industry groups focused on healthcare, manufacturing, and technology.

Over the past decade, social media has become flooded with posts and images pertaining to weight loss, diet culture and calorie-counting. These messages have had a negative impact on the mental health of so many, especially teens and young adults who are still figuring out their identities.

As a business owner or a people manager, you don't always have the resources to match bigger, more established companies. However, that doesn't mean that you can't achieve big things. Instead, you've got to be nimble and make the most of the resources you do have.

In September, our newly created Next Gen Advisory Council convened for the first time and one of their top priorities was to discuss how we could make it easier for younger women—and men—to join and become active in Inforum. It was a fair point—one the council made a priority to address over its first few months.

It's no secret that women have plenty on their plate and are giving of themselves constantly in both a personal and professional way, with many women increasingly examining the specific relationship between their occupation and overall identity.

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