
Are you familiar with the Dolphin Tank?

In late September, when a diverse audience sat among an equally diverse group of woman entrepreneurs who pitched their business plans and ideas to a panel of area experts, the possibilities bubbled to the surface.

The stress was on those hoping to help, not those needing help. And while panel members provided feedback and insight to aid those who were pitching, the audience—the Dolphin Tank—also offered tips, input, and connections.

The Dolphin Tank was the precursor to this month's Entrepreneur YOU Business Plan and Pitch Competition, during which 10 finalists—five each representing Lifestyle Business and Growth Business—will present their business plan and pitch in hope of being one of three winners in each category. Cash prizes, support services, and technical assistance to assist them further down the path toward owning a successful business will be awarded, totaling more than $53,000. Substantial in-kind support for Plan & Pitch is provided by a number of companies:

Reagan Marketing
Stingray Advisory
The Skye Group
834 Design & Marketing
Richett Marketing

Hungerford Nichols

Smith Haughey
Avanti Law
Britt Law
Hilger Hammond Attorneys at Law

The Plan & Pitch Competition offers an exciting show of support for women striving to put their business ideas into production. The public is welcome to attend the event, being held October 16 at the Grand Valley State University L. William Seidman Center (downtown campus), from 8 – 11:30 p.m.

Venture capitalists, angel and social investors, business leaders, and successful entrepreneurs will enjoy hearing from those hoping to be The NBT: The Next Big Thing.

Visit http://miwf.org/events1/ for more information on Michigan Women's Foundation events and opportunities.


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