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For young people, choosing the right career direction for the future may be challenging, especially when they aren't quite sure what they could actually see themselves enjoying doing in the long run.

It’s difficult to watch a loved one struggle with the disease of addiction. For some, the consequences of their substance use or simply having a loved one express concern will be motivation enough to seek help and pursue recovery. Unfortunately, others deny or don’t recognize the impact their substance use and behaviors are having on themselves and those around them. In these situations, a formal intervention may be needed in which family and friends come together in a focused effort to encourage their loved one to seek help.

There was a time when I found myself torn between two decisions: to stay in a toxic relationship and allow my daughter to believe that violence equated love, or to flee an abusive situation, leaving behind everything I had, facing homelessness and the unknown.

Last year, my collegiate son FaceTimed me and asked, "Why are my clothes always so wrinkled?" We discussed possibilities. "Using a dryer sheet might help, too," I reminded him.

When my friend Caroline's father showed signs of Parkinson's disease last summer, she moved him from northern California to her home in Wisconsin, providing 24/7 care for several months.

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