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There was a time when I found myself torn between two decisions: to stay in a toxic relationship and allow my daughter to believe that violence equated love, or to flee an abusive situation, leaving behind everything I had, facing homelessness and the unknown.

Last year, my collegiate son FaceTimed me and asked, "Why are my clothes always so wrinkled?" We discussed possibilities. "Using a dryer sheet might help, too," I reminded him.

When my friend Caroline's father showed signs of Parkinson's disease last summer, she moved him from northern California to her home in Wisconsin, providing 24/7 care for several months.

Most people know that many children are diagnosed with ADHD each year—and most are familiar with the common symptoms of hyperactivity, trouble sitting still, or the "Squirrel!" form of distractibility (watch the movie Up). What many people don't know is there are three types of ADHD.

Last year while sifting through Mother's Day cards, struggling to find something remotely accurate and not overly-cheesy for the mothers in my life, I couldn't help but wonder: Am I living up to these standards as a mom? All the cards shared similar niceties.

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