
Recent Relationship Articles

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Family-EcosystemA small-scale ecosystem can have a big effect on how your family sees the environment. Sunday is Earth Day. Create the self-containing ecosystem out of recycled materials, and see a little piece of the Earth evolve right before your eyes.

Relationships-Personal CoachWe read a lot about relationships–how to get them, how to maintain them, what to do when we lose them. But what about entering into a relationship that will help you with all your other relationships? That's where Personal Coach Tricia Bosma comes in.

Family-Clean out your carThe floor of your car is a crumb-dirt-McDonald's straw paradise, and oh! What's that! The flip flop that disappeared last Fourth of July! Before you start feeling affectionate for the dust bunnies living under your passenger seat, take one woman's advice–vacuum.

Stephanie TeSlaa has a strong dislike for messes and the way they make her feel claustrophobic and disorganized, especially inside her car. With four kids, she has enough on her plate without having to carry in armfuls of stuff from her Suburban each day. So she's enforcing new rules for her family in hopes that the thorough cleaning she just gave her vehicle sticks longer than old gum in a soccer cleat.

Relationships-Pre Cana QuestionsBefore many couples are married, they may attend pre-marriage counseling. No matter how long the couple dated before taking the next step in their relationship, there may be things yet to be discussed. Bringing up topics like role expectations, family expectations, money, children, is important before the knot is tied. Work through these topics and solve any issues you may have.

Below are sample questions presented to a couple in their counseling sessions. Each person answered the questions separately, then came back together to discuss their answers and reasoning. Make sure your marital bases are covered before you take the plunge. Answer agree or disagree.

Family-Easter CraftsEgg hunts, and visits to see a giant bunny. Jelly beans before breakfest, and a ham as big as your head. What defines Easter for your family? This year, start a new, eco-friendly tradition. Try these crafts using recylced items to add a little Easter Bunny charm to your house this spring.

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