
Recent Cityscene Articles

All the local places to go and things to do.

The fourth annual West Michigan Woman Brilliance Awards took place September 9, 2020, at Egypt Valley Country Club. The free live-streamed event celebrated trailblazers, innovators, mentors and more.

It's true: COVID-19 has paused many aspects of our normal lives. Thankfully, volunteering and making a difference doesn't have to be among them.

The 19th Amendment, passed by Congress on June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, was a landmark step in moving democracy forward. Women, now guaranteed the right to vote, fought long and hard for this victory. Achieving this milestone wasn't done without difficult struggles, seeing decades of agitation, and protest.

Itching to get outside and have some safe social distanced fun at the same time? Friends of GR Parks' 9th annual Green Gala might be just what you're looking for! Better yet? Funds raised at the event, taking place August 13 at Ah-Nab-Awen Park, help maintain and beautify the city's green spaces for all to enjoy.

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