Make the most of your money.
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- Category: Financial
You’ve seen the ads: Anyone could trade online! Sometimes it’s a talking baby, sometimes it’s an airplane flying through the air pulling a banner telling you to invest online. The baby shows you how easy it is to trade just with a click of your mouse, at $9.99 per trade—what a deal! When you check it out, you find that you could get even a cheaper deal, if you make 150 trades per quarter (600 trades a year). It looks like your trades become more affordable, at $7.99 per trade. But ignore the online trading hype!
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- Category: Financial
Now that the election is over, investors are in a dilemma, wondering what the future has in store for their investment portfolios. The reality is that while elections may have short-term impact on the markets, over time, their impact is minimal. The global Free Market is a lifetime academic strategy based on capitalism, which always finds a way to thrive, even through the toughest of times.
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- Category: Financial
Betty, one of our retiree clients, must make a pension decision soon—and she does not want any retirement income stress! She could do nothing, leave it in a fixed account with a guaranteed lifetime income, or move it tax-free to her IRA. She is confused on what is best for her future.
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- Category: Financial
It is your portfolio’s asset allocation, broad global diversification, that you must be most concerned about, more than any other investment strategy or determinant—not stock picking, not market timing, not track record investing, and not costs. Brinson, Singer, and Beebower, in their 1996 “Determinants of Portfolio Performance II: An Update” research paper, confirmed their earlier research that more than ninety-one percent of your portfolio’s performance, appreciation, and growth is dependent on asset allocation. This is very important, so I’ll say it again: More than ninety-one percent of your portfolio’s returns come from prudent diversification!
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- Category: Financial
The holidays aren’t happy or wonderful for everyone.