
It's been long said that everything comes back around eventually when it comes to fashion. As far as I can tell, that statement is pretty dang accurate. My mother would agree, as she helped me shop for the biggest bell bottom jeans I could find while in fifth grade (the same pair I'd later rip in gym class while doing a Sporty Spice-inspired high kick).


If you're at least an elder millennial like myself, you've surely noticed over the last couple of years that what's trendy in terms of fashion may look a little familiar. It's true, 90s-era fashion is back in full force. And for the most part, I'm not mad at it!

This is the first time in my lifetime I've become witness to a certain period of fashion making its second revolution around the sun, so to say. Though it feels strange at times, there are a variety of trends I'm willing to dive back into, but let it be known: if you see me walking around in low rise jeans, it's all gone way ... way... too far.



Cute and practical, claw clips are remerging for their effortless "cool girl" vibes. Not only do these little plastic wonders keep your hair out of your face and in check, they're not meant to look perfect, so no need to be a pro at styling. Just beware of leaning your head back in the car (if you know, you know). Scrunchies are also a cute way to throw your hair back while adding a little something-something. Banana clips, which I had zero clue how to use properly when I was a kid, have also been rediscovered by the internet for their ability to easily thicken your ponytail. I have a feeling we might regret this one sooner than later.



While I'm not ditching my skinny jeans entirely, I'm wholeheartedly welcoming back the baggy jean look. My legs can BREATHE! You don't have to go full JNCO on everyone, but the relaxed fit is an easy trend to try, though if you're anything like me, you'll have to go through a couple trial and error pairs to find the right fit. And no, I won't regret wearing mom jeans.



Listen, I'm highly suggesting we approach this one with caution. Don't make the mistake of cutting your own bangs in your bathroom at 10 p.m. the night before picture day (BEEN THERE). Opt for a sweeping, lower maintenance pair of curtain bangs to make the trend a bit more modern. When done well, bangs can be an awesome way to add dimension to any hairstyle. But for the love of all that is good in this world, leave the trimming to the pros. I don't care how easy TikTok tells you it is.



While I was initially hesitant with the bucket hat trend, I caved and purchased one for a recent vacation and I have to say ... they're pretty great. I know they're not going to be in style for forever, but consider grabbing one to throw in your style toolkit. They're pretty easy to pair with an outfit AND they help keep your face protected from the sun (a welcomed contrast to our 90s philosophy of literally baking ourselves with Banana Boat oil anytime the clouds cleared).



There are some who will say Dr. Martens never left, and I tend to agree. Knowing the durability of the tried-and-true brand, you may even still have your original pair from 1996. We're also seeing platforms being added back to sandals, sneakers and more. The chunkier the heel, the more badass I feel.

Though we can't travel back in time to revel in the 90s, these trends can at least help us pretend.

Written by Sarah Suydam, Managing Editor for West Michigan Woman.


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