
VAEI Summer Camp

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Looking for a fun, hands-on and educational camp for your child this summer? Van Andel Education institute (VAEI) is offering week-long , half day summer camps for students going into fourth through seventh grade.

Students entering the fourth or fifth grade camp will love getting their hands on some of nature’s most interesting creatures: Animal Survivor: Pill Bugs, Newts & Geckos, Oh My! In this camp, kids will explore the world of animal adaptations, including studying animal behavior, observing structural traits and discovering what helps animals survive in the wild. They will also have the chance to learn about a variety of species—including invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles—through hands-on exploration with our resident animals. This camp runs June 26 – 30 and July 17 – 21, 2017.

Students entering the sixth or seventh grade yearn to make a difference in the world, so they will investigate real-world water catastrophes in the camp: Environmental Forensics: What’s in the water? In this camp, kids will explore solutions to the world’s most pressing environmental concerns by discovering how oil spills, chemical contamination and other threats to water quality affect our environment. They will learn different water monitoring techniques and collaborate with peers to brainstorm possible solutions to protect one of our most precious resources—our water. This camp runs July 10 – 14 and July 24 – 28, 2017.

All VAEI student programs offer kids the opportunity to think and act like scientists. They engage in hands on investigations, collaborate with peers, tour Van Andel Research Institute labs, all while having fun and making friends!

The cost for each summer camp is $185, and space is limited. For more information, or to register, visit VAEI Summer Camp.

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