
To change the look and feel of a room, add a splash of color.

The most inexpensive way to add color to your space is through pillows and candles. Start with a large neutral item to springboard froma sofa upholstered in a soft gray hue will pop with bright yellow patterned pillows, for example. Add bright orange and yellow candles arranged on a tray, and place it on a cocktail table in front of the sofa. Vary the height and size of the candlessmall, medium, and largeand use an odd number, perhaps three or five. Odd numbers provide interest and movement to the eye, as does the size variation. Find an inspiration piece, such as framed art that will tie into the color scheme. To finish off your room, add a brightly colored throw over the back of a side chair. Do not use more than five splashes of color: Too many will overpower the room and look confusing.

This design tip will create a well-designed space that will wow your guests and provide you with a cozy and relaxing living area. 

Get more cost effective home design tips in the August issue of West Michigan Woman! Click here to subscribe.

Written by: Julie Stone has twenty-five plus years in interior design experience and can help transform your home into a personalized space that you will enjoy living in. For more Design and Home Staging tips, visit her blog at juliestoneInteriors.com, or contact her at 616-581-2759 or [email protected] for your next design project or home staging needs. Photo: RoomOrganizer.com


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