

It is estimated that one in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.

At West Michigan Woman, we know this statistic all too well. One of us watched her aunt live through a diagnosis of breast cancer and double mastectomy, just weeks after her husband's untimely death. Another lost her college roommate to the disease at age 43. Yet another has supported her mother through mastectomy, reconstruction, and other effects of breast cancer. We've struggled with decisions of preventive mastectomies and had our own personal scares with uncertain test results. And we all grieved early this year when our friend Shannon Wieber, featured on the cover of our October/November 2014 magazine, lost her battle with breast cancer.

West Michigan Woman chooses to support the fight against breast cancer for all of these reasons and more. That's why we've partnered with the American Cancer Society, Komen Michigan, and Gilda's Club Grand Rapids for our annual Wine & Wig Gala. Three different charities working together for one reason: to support breast cancer research, diagnosis, treatment, and support.


The good news is that death rates for breast cancer are declining. The decrease can be attributed to improvements in early detection and in treatment. These improvements, coupled with holistic support for patients and their loved ones, are made possible by our partner charities for Wine & Wig. Each plays a critical role in the fight against breast cancer.

We'd rather not have any reason to support the cause—to have it eradicated—but until then, we join the fight. Join with us. Tickets for Wine & Wig 2015 are now on sale. Click here to learn more.





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