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No matter how organized you are, time inevitably slips away and your proverbial to-do list is left uncompleted. Let's face it: Even the most organized people could improve upon their time management skills.

Are e-mail signatures a thing of the past? GetResponse.com guest blogger Haley Osborne answers that question with an emphatic, "No!" She says your e-mail signature is essentially your electronic business card. Proper e-mail signatures contain important information—they tell people how to reach you, what your website is and provide information for their electronic address book. Absent this signature, you forgo an important point of contact for your business.

At the end of last year, I decided it was time to quit my job as a Marketing Director. More precisely, I realized it was time for greater growth, bigger challenges and broader opportunities. To ignore that was impossible.

When describing the corporate job setting, creative is typically not a word that would be used. Generally, the corporate setting is viewed to be a straight-laced, suit-and-tie regime, void of all things creative and fun. In reality though, taking on and embracing creativity in the workplace has proved to have numerous benefits and values, both for the business and for the team.

According to the new Project: Time Off white paper report Groundhog Day Every Day: America's Repeating Vacation Problem, we are a nation of worker bees. Project: Time Off wanted to know why Americans forgo their vacation days—and whether this decision impacts business success, happiness and personal relationships. It also suggested ways to get America vacationing again.

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