
Is something not right in your life? Maybe you are not happy at work or at home? Is there a little voice in your mind, telling you that you need to do something else?  

Maybe it’s saying you need more balance in your life. If you have given up and decided to stay in your unhappy place, you are in a rut. So, are you ready to do something about it? Decide now to make choices to improve your life!

In the '70s, I (Phyllis) heard a little voice, also. I knew something was not right in our lives, as we had lost so much money with bad financial advice. We had a family meeting and determined I would do research about money one night a week, while my husband made supper and took care of the children. I figured that would be a good hobby for me, as the way we were losing money, Jerry and I never would be able to retire if we didn’t figure how to get our money to work harder for us.  

While I was still learning and practicing budgeting and investing on my co-workers, I and 2,000 other teachers were given pink slips, losing our teaching jobs, which we assumed were secure.  

Because I had followed my little voice, I already had started the process of becoming a financial coach. I decided instead of seeking out a new teaching job, I would teach money to women instead. In 1982, I stepped out of my comfort zone, contacted three school systems, and began teaching Financial Education and Debt Reduction classes to hundreds of adults in Continuing Education programs at night and meeting with clients during the day.

You can also make a major change in your life! It does not matter what situation you are unhappy about; you can do something about it. You might need to take some classes and get re-educated in the area you desire, it might take a few years to get where you want to be, or you might be able to stay in the same company you are in and improve your position. Whatever it is, you can do this!

Step out of your comfort zone, cast aside your fears, and get a support team to cheer you on as you face each obstacle that arises. Anything is possible!  

Written by: Maria J. Wordhouse Kuitula and Phyllis J. Veltman Wordhouse, free market wealth and stewardship coaches, co-authored the book Stress-Free Investing, available at Amazon.com. Maria is the president of Wordhouse Wealth Coaching and may be reached at 616-460-6518 or  [email protected]. For QUESTION LISTS and INVESTOR EDUCATION VIDEOS, go to www.WordhouseWealthCoaching.com. © Wordhouse Kuitula 2013. Photos: stockxchng

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