
The last of the snow is gone (at least in West Michigan), we’ve caught glimpses of spring, and summer seems mere moments away! While sun and fun may be appealing, don’t forget to prepare and take care. Here are a few tips on giving your skin a break this summer.

Wear sunscreen.
On the beach, on the boat, in the water, hiking, biking, under overcast skies—don’t forget your sunscreen! Clouds and shade aren’t the same as sun protection, and grey days don’t mean you won’t be exposed to harmful rays. Follow the directions on the label, and reapply accordingly. Slather it on! And choose one with an SPF of 15 or greater, please.

Choose wisely.
If your plans involve a pool, lake, or other splashy fun, choose a sunscreen with water resistance. You’ll have to reapply it from time to time, but that beats the burn you’d get from amplifying the sun’s rays through watery play. If your plans include a lot of activity, choose a “sport” sunscreen intended for active use.

Be kind to your face.
Select a sunscreen made for use on your face and neck, and apply it daily. (Choose the right kind for your skin type, of course!) Gardening, mowing the lawn, walking the dog, driving the car, and other pursuits leave your face vulnerable to sun exposure. Even if you wear a hat, the sun reflects off of surfaces, and you may be left with pinker cheeks than you prefer.

Stay hydrated.
Whether you’re resting or playing in the sun, keep your body hydrated. Have water handy and drink it! Hydration is good for your skin year-round, and especially during hot, drying weather. If you need to nibble, cucumbers and watermelon are good hydration sources.

Let it glow.
If you like the look of a healthy glow but don’t want the sun exposure, consider a moisturizer that has a gradual self-tanner component. For your face, try a tinted moisturizer in place of foundation—and perhaps add a bronzer to your routine.

Cover up.
Toss on a wide-brimmed hat. Wear sunglasses that cover some ground (and provide UV protection). Wear light, cool, loose fabrics that cover you gently. Carry a stylish parasol. If your skin needs extra protection from the sun, work with it.

Watch the clock.
Try to stay out of the sun during peak UV radiation hours, typically between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. If you have to be in the sun, protect your skin!

Don’t scratch.
Sunburn, bug bites, and more may cause itchy skin and the urge to scratch. Treat inflammation as best able (you may want to ask your doctor for suggestions), and keep those fingernails away as you heal.


Written by: Amy L Charles, West Michigan Woman editorial director, loves her sunscreen, sunglasses, and hat.
Photo Courtesy of: freedigitalphotos.net


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