
Although you can’t always avoid every hot flash or night sweat, you can help reduce their severity and their frequency by knowing the five most common triggers:

  1. Hormone changes, especially low or dropping estrogen.
  2. Alcohol.
  3. Sugar (from treats like ice cream, cookies, or sugar-laced tea) before bed.
  4. Stressful thoughts or worries about tasks not completed.
  5. Caffeine, especially without adequate water for several days.

Learn more about midlife health and menopause at spectrumhealthblog.org/menopause. Dr. Diana Bitner blogs weekly about symptoms, treatments, and her own life stories about perimenopause.

b7ca5e505f49aad72cedce1b2412b1fcWritten by: Diana Bitner, MD, Menopause Specialist, Spectrum Health Medical Group Photo: stock.xchng

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