
Registration for the third annual Gazelle Girl Half Marathon & 5K race is now open! Thousands of women will flood the streets of downtown Grand Rapids on April 19, 2015, as they participate in the largest women's-only half marathon and 5k race in Michigan.

 The Gazelle Girl Half Marathon & 5K connects women through movement, achievement, celebration, friendship, and fun. The event aims to be a key part of the transformation toward healthier living in West Michigan.

In an effort to encourage more participants, Gazelle Sports and Priority Health have teamed up to host the Priority Health Run Camp, a training program for both the Gazelle Girl Half Marathon & 5k and the Fifth Third River Bank Run 5K, 10K, and 25K. The Priority Health Run Camp provides a supportive group atmosphere for runners at every level and every pace, allowing a safe environment for training through the winter.

"I never thought I would ever run a 5K, let alone a 25K!" said one Priority Health Run Camp team leader. "Gazelle Sports and Priority Health Run Camp have been there every step of the way, providing me with support and encouragement as I go after my dreams and goals. The best part is that I have been introduced to a whole new group of friends and a healthier lifestyle."

One hundred percent of the proceeds will benefit Kent County women's organizations, including Girls on the Run, GROW (Grand Rapids Organization for Women), YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association), and D.A. Blodgett – St. John's, Sisters in Support.

More information can be found at GazelleGirlHalfMarathon.com and GazelleSports.com/PriorityHealthRunCamp.


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