
You can keep your blush, bronzer, and eye shadow. My makeup drug of choice is mascara. Mascara gives me that extra something I can’t get from other makeup products. I feel more girly, sophisticated, mysterious, and glam. I want lashes that hit things far before I reach them, like kitty whiskers. I want to bat my lashes and knock people into the next room or at least create a windstorm of sorts. Yes, I’m talking Mr. Snuffleupagus lashes. These are my true feelings. 

So, heading out to find my next fix isn’t easy. I’m thrifty at heart (but this won’t stop me from putting a down payment on a wand of the good stuff). Head to the beauty department of any store and you’re confronted with so many choices. I was focusing intently on the Maybelline selection, because I’m a sucker for packaging and their wild-hued tubes just sort of spoke to me, promising just as equally wild, bold lashes. Each little vial spoke of volume (excuse me colossal volume) and words like mega plush, turbo boost, and illegal lengths; there was even one selection called The Falsies. If we’re going on name alone, this one has me reaching for my purse. 

Then, I found The Rocket. The electric blue tube caught my eye and has given me the lush, thick, baby bat wing eyelashes that I need and so deserve. There are tiny bristles that sort of comb my lashes out so there’s less clumping, and I’ve got to tell you the girls are standing tall and long yet thick and plentiful and fan out like a peacock’s tail. What’s with all the animal references? Anyways, I swear by it. 

mascaraIn the name of beauty research, I threw a makeup poll party. Here are a few recommendations, if you’re looking for inspiration: 

Psst! If you’ve got yourself some so-so mascara, use this trick: Apply a little baby powder to your lashes first, then apply a mascara coat. You’ll see the thick, fluffy stuff for sure. I swear by that, too. 

Written by: Missy Black is a freelance writer for West Michigan Woman magazine. Photos: sxc

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