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What are your top five beauty tips?

  1. Stay true to you. I always shied away from showcasing my freckles and would cover them up with heavy foundation, leading to skin issues. Now I embrace them, going without foundation most times—except for under the eyes.

  2. Lashes can make you look put together, even if you wear no other cosmetics. I like to cut lash strips into thirds and apply glue under, rather than on top of, my real lashes.

  3. Know your undertones. I was wearing brown shades of lipstick until a makeup artist taught me that my skin was complemented more by pinks, berries and orange tones.

  4. Dry shampoo that smells great can double as deodorant and body spray, when you're in a pinch. I carry a small can of dry shampoo in my car and bigger bags. Also, I use the dry shampoo to give my hair some va-va-voom!

  5. Condition first. Being blonde, my hair is more porous. I add conditioner to my dry hair, then add water to allow it to soak in. After a quick purple shampoo, I condition again and rinse with cold water to close the follicles. My hair has never been healthier.

What beauty essentials are always in your bag?

cj devries web2Photo courtesy of CJ DeVries. 

What makeup do you splurge on?
Honestly, I don't splurge on makeup. Instead, I head to the medi-spa and have regular facials and Botox, so I don't need as many products on my face. HydraFacials are an important self-investment that clears, brightens and creates a look of younger skin.

What's your favorite feature about yourself?
My hair. It's thin but I have lots, so it holds curl for days. I get a lot of compliments on my mane, thanks to Allison at Chasing Vanity. Also, my green eyes. Only 2% of the world's population have them!

cj devries webPhoto courteys of Samantha Ruth Photography. 

When do you feel the most beautiful?
Wow, this is a hard question as a woman. Our culture tells us that if we like something about ourselves, we're vain or self-centered—which is far from true. I'd say when I'm looking back on candid photos of a fun night with friends and see the smile on my face. I can't fake that smile. It's pure joy and being content with the world for that moment.

What is the key to your personal beauty?
Being natural. I don't try to force a look that doesn't match my undertones or personality. Believe me, I'd love to have dark hair, but it's too much maintenance and I've learned to love my strawberry blonde hair and freckles.

Edited by Sarah Suydam, Staff Writer for West Michigan Woman.

This article originally appeared in the December/January 2019 issue of West Michigan Woman.

Main photo courtesy of Mod Bettie Portraits.

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