
What top five beauty products couldn't you live without?

Monica Sparks

  1. Coconut Oil
  2. Almond Oil
  3. LipSense Glossy Gloss
  4. Eyelashes
  5. Mary Kay Eyeliner

Jessica Ann Tyson

  1. Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  2. Lemons/Limes
  3. Witch Hazel
  4. Lip Gloss/Lipstick
  5. Eyelashes/Mascara

What beauty essentials are always in your bag?


  • LipSense Glossy Gloss is a must to keep my lips looking fresh, all day long. It never comes off and lasts all day.
  • Essential Oil Blend Lemongrass, Peppermint and Lavender: I apply to a cotton pad whenever I need to freshen my mind—and take a whiff. Sometimes I apply it when I feel I need hand sanitizer.
  • Mini Coconut Oil Packet from Trader Joe's—especially if Jessica Ann has the top down on the convertible. I do not want leathery skin from the sun's rays.

Jessica Ann

  • Lip Gloss/Lipstick: Smiles are THE best and a MUST, so my lips gotta dazzle!
  • Tweezers: Is it me, or does it seem like those chin hairs just pop out of the blue?
  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste: My friends say I'm obsessive about oral hygiene. Bad breath?! Talk about a deal going south REAL quick.

What's the key to your personal beauty?

Mother always says, "Pretty is as pretty DOES." Helping others feel good should always make you feel good about who you are. The right attitude is always the right beauty foundation! Pun intended.

Jessica Ann
Anyone can paint the outside, but beauty is as beauty does. I'm not an angel nor am I perfect—but If I wake up .... HOT DIGGITY DANG! Somebody, somewhere, somehow will be blessed, because JESSICA ANN TYSON EXISTS! And that right there is the key to my personal happiness. That totally makes me feel beautiful inside. When I feel beautiful inside, no amount of bumps or bruises can diminish my glow!


Monica Sparks: Founder, Radio For Divas, Inc. and CEO, The Urban Sparks, LLC

Jessica Ann Tyson: President, JA PR Group, LLC and Managing Partner, The Candied Yam




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