
Now, what do those two things have in common? It has something to do with the lyrics, "You can't always get what you want ... but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need." In other words, let's talk what's trending and what's realistic.

"Showing up in fashion week is the straight brow," said Femé Naigow, owner and aesthetician at Apsara Spa. "Basically, it's straight across the brow bone. People have come in and asked for it. It's supposed to give a more youthful look." This can be hard to pull off if you're lacking in eyebrow thickness, as it can come across as patchy. This is where blindly following trends isn't the best option.

Try forging ahead for personal style.

Naigow is a fan of big, fuller, juicy brows. "We take what God gave you and enhance it, opening up the arch with a nice cleanup and trim." The spa's approach is simple, focusing on what each person needs to make her or his brows look pretty, balanced and groomed.

Another suggestion? There's a rule about how much space is in the middle of the brow—the bridge of the nose. "If that space gets too large you don't look as friendly and your forehead can appear larger." (Which is never a good look.)

The salon offers services of tweezing, threading and waxing (more gentle on the skin) as well as brow tinting—a trend that's also on the rise. "We add actual color to the brows and match brows to hair color." You can go slightly darker, too (think blondes with dark brows), or fix up brows that are going grey.

"The eyes are the windows to the soul, so you want to frame them beautifully."

Apsara Spa is located at 1514 Wealthy St. SE in Grand Rapids. 

Written by Missy Black, a footwear fanatic, a style child and a contributing writer for West Michigan Woman magazine.

a footwear fanatic, a style child and a contributing writer - See more at: http://westmichiganwoman.com/style/item/1446-beachy-keen-find-the-perfect-swimsuit-now#sthash.lsdsiycD.dpuf


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