
We've all been there: trying to fit everything we think we need in a suitcase, on top of needing bulky (yet necessary) winter gear. Ditch the stress that comes along with traveling during the snowy season, with these pro tips.

Embrace packing cubes.
At first, they might seem pointless. But don't pretend like you haven't destroyed your suitcase looking for the one item you swore you packed. With packing cubes, your items are kept organized and even slightly compressed. A plus: It's good practice if you enjoy playing Tetris. You could even bring an extra cube to keep your dirty clothing items separated.

Wear your bulkiest items.
Whether it's a warm down coat you'll be happy to have while strolling through a snow-covered village or those boots that will keep your toes as toasty as a marshmallow over a fire, skip packing these items altogether and wear them. You could always shed some layers during your airplane or bus ride, rather than take up precious suitcase space. You could even stow your cozy scarf in a tote and use it as a blanket while traveling.

Sample-size toiletries are your friend.
Having your usual hair, skin and hygiene products with you on your trip allows for your routines to go uninterrupted and more focus to be placed on the adventurous tasks at hand. But that doesn't mean you need to throw your full-size hairspray in. Invest in deluxe travel samples of your tried-and-true favorites to keep things on track, yet minimal. Your favorite brand not into making travel-sized items? Purchase some containers online—be sure to double-check they meet the TSA 3-1-1 rule—and transfer the products yourself.

Base layers make a difference.
Before you decide to pack six different bulky sweaters, pack a base layer top and pair of pants. If staying warm is your ultimate goal, wearing these trusty items underneath your regular clothing will keep the heat close to your body—ensuring you don't need the extra five layers you might trick yourself into packing.

Simply bring less.
Face it: You don't need and won't use every single thing you've packed for your trip of a lifetime. Though it never hurts to be prepared, plan ahead. Do your research on what exactly is needed for your particular daily activities and map out specific outfits to lean things out. From one over-packer to another, you can do this.

Written by Sarah Suydam, Staff Writer for West Michigan Woman.

Photo Courtesy of Jake Ingl, Unsplash.

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