
Blandford Nature Center will celebrate maple syrup season during its 55th annual Sugarbush Festival on Saturday, March 15.

Sugarbush occurs each year when Blandford's sugar maple trees begin to produce the sap that is used to make maple syrup. The festival includes opportunities to identify sugar maple trees, learn about the historic sugaring techniques of Native Americans and pioneers, and get a close-up look at Blandford's Sugarhouse and syrup making process.

Visitors also will enjoy getting up close and learning with BNC's wildlife ambassadors, blacksmith demonstrations, enjoy face painting, puppet shows, food booths and live music.

WMW BlandfordMapleSeason Web2

"Each year, the festival brings inquisitive children, hobbyists, retirees and everyone in between to Blandford Nature Center to enjoy all we have to offer," said Liz Visser, BNC's Farm Manager. "It really is a rite of passage into Spring."

Pre-registration is recommended at blandfordnaturecenter.org. Tickets for the festival are $10.40 for members and $13 for non-members. Tickets also will be available on site at the Mary Jane Dockeray Visitor Center, located at 1715 Hillburn Ave. NW, Grand Rapids.

WMW BlandfordMapleSeason Web3

In addition, the Sugarhouse operations will be open to visitors for "sneak peeks" now through March 22. Guests can view a full list of programs on Blandford's Community Calendar.

Blandford is open Monday – Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. A general admission fee of $5 per person is required for non-members, which includes access to more than eight miles of trails and to the Visitor Center and Wildlife Education Center.

Courtesy of West Michigan Woman.


Photos courtesy of Blandford Nature Center.

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