
Family caregiving is more complex and stressful than ever before. That's why Spectrum Health offers Private Duty Care, an at-home nursing and assisted living service, to provide a break to family members who serve as caregivers by shifting the day-to-day care and activities to the private duty caregiver.

Knowing what to expect from private duty care is important, whether you need a short-term solution or a long-term partnership. That's why Spectrum Health works closely with the physician and family members in developing a personalized care plan that meets the patient's individual needs.

From treating complex medical conditions to light housekeeping and everything in between, Spectrum Health Private Duty Care coordinates your needs by bringing the required level of expertise to your home. We can help with patients transitioning from surgery, in-home rehabilitation, wound care and those living with Alzheimer's. We work with patients of all ages, from pediatric to elderly. Regardless of the unique circumstances of each situation, our goal remains the same—to help patients and their families get back to enjoying life, surrounded by the familiar comforts of home.

When choosing a service, it's important to evaluate the reputation and credentials of the providers you are considering. At Spectrum Health, all caregivers are licensed, bonded and insured, and are available 24/7.

For more information, call 616.486.3737 or 855.430.4880 or visit http://www.spectrumhealth.org/privateduty.

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.


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