
Grand Rapids Downtown Market "Simmer" Camps are an exciting way to get the kids out of the house and help them learn to cook, bake, and harvest.

Kids and teens can learn new culinary skills in the Downtown Market's teaching kitchen and greenhouses while also learning about other cultures, plants, and gardening.

"Kids can't survive on chicken nuggets alone, so it's important for young people to learn where their food comes from and how to turn it into the meals they love," said Mimi Fritz, president and CEO of the Downtown Market. "Our Simmer Camps help kids learn about nutritious options in a fun environment and encourage them to continue healthy habits at home."

The state-of-the-art teaching kitchen, the nation's first of its kind, features adjustable-height countertops and screens at each workstation connected to the camera at the instructor station for a close-up view of the chopping, sautéing, and simmering.

Register at downtownmarketgr.com/simmer-camp. All camps are scholarship eligible.

What the Camps Include

For kids ages 6 – 11:
Three-day camps for kids explore adventurous weekly themes. From discoveries in the greenhouse to hands-on cooking in the teaching kitchen, "Simmer" Camp pairs activities and recipes with the inspiring weekly theme and stimulates inventive imagination and creativity.

  • July 7 – August 20, Tuesday – Thursday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
  • Sign up for $125 per week, or $450 for all four weeks (10% discount).
  • Weekly themes include Urban Farming, Active Chefs, Flavors from Around the World, and Great Lakes Gourmet.
  • Registration deadline for the first class is July 6. Deadlines for other camps are open until the Monday at noon prior to the camp beginning, unless it sells out.

For teens ages 12 – 15:
A series of palate-stimulating, hands-on cooking three-day workshops, just for teens, ages 12 – 15. In-depth culinary exploration and ingredient selection from our greenhouse leads to learning the essentials from menu design to enhancing flavors, and everything in between. "Simmer" Camp encourages teens of all experience levels to come to the Market and discover new and exciting skills and flavors.

  • July 14 – August 27, Tuesday – Thursday, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
  • Sign up for $180 per week, or $650 for all four weeks ($70 savings).
  • Weekly themes include Culinary Essentials, Around the World, Local Flavors, and Street Food & Food Trucks.
  • Registration for the first class is July 13. Deadlines for other camps are open until the Monday at noon prior to the camp beginning, unless it sells out.

Photo courtesy of Grand Rapids Downtown Market.


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