
New Series for Kids, Parents, Gardeners, and Foodies

The new year brings a brand new class schedule at the Grand Rapids Downtown Market, a destination for local food innovation, education, and experimentation.

Beginning this month, many classes at the Market are part of a four-month series to help aspiring chefs, gardeners, and the newly health-conscious to learn new skills and then build upon those skills, while also offering a cost benefit. New class series to beef up participants' knowledge about local food, gardening, and culinary skills in the new year include:

Foodie Film Series:
The four-month film series features a foodie documentary screening, panel discussion, chef demo, and tasting following the film. This series is designed to spark community discussion about local, healthy foods in a fun environment. Cash bar available.

Culinary Skills Series:
Improve your culinary skills and knowledge in bootcamp under the tutelage of Market Chef Jacob Bandstra. Topics to be covered in the series include knife skills, cooking methods, fundamentals of soups and sauces, and chef secret "tricks of the trade,"

Baby Food Series:
Making baby food is easier and more cost effective than most people think. Knowing exactly what you're feeding your baby brings peace of mind and the opportunity to get creative. Parents of up to eighteen-month-old children can bond with other parents, while babies get an opportunity to touch, smell, taste, and see the foods that help them grow, offering a fun sensory experience.

New Foods Series:
Time to introduce new foods and combat picky eaters. We'll make convenient, whole foods that don't come from a box. Toddlers (eighteen months to preschool) and adults interact to spark and interest in food, the kitchen, and growing strong.

Kids Only Series:
Get kids into the kitchen cooking kid-friendly recipes while learning new culinary techniques and integrating new foods. We show kids that food comes from the earth, not a factory, and how it makes its way to our plates.

Healthy Cooking with Voeden Life Series:
Wellness experts make cooking stress-free with weekly menu plans and shopping lists. Interactive workshops explore the intricate connection of yoga, food, and the art of mindful eating.


Reducing Your Toxic Load Series:

Get your body and your household back to basics this year, one step at a time. Classes in the series include post-holiday cleanse and basics of a real food lifestyle, intro to aromatherapy, cleaning up your food and taking the mystery out of food buzzwords, and detoxing your household with natural cleansers.

Meat with Montello:
Chef Jacob and the crew from Montello Meat Market show you how to step up your game. Classes focus on lean meats, soups and stews, burgers, and grilling.

Gardener's Series:
Prepare for an abundant Michigan growing season and maximize the harvest! Participants will learn to choose seeds, plan a garden layout, start seedlings indoors, and plant a windowsill garden.

Family Greenhouse Series:
Bring the family together in our greenhouse this winter to learn all you need for your summer garden. Interactive, hands-on activities include: composting, tasting, selecting, planning, and planting.

Vinyasa Flow: Vinyasa means "breath-synchronized movement." It is a smoothly-moving series of poses that focus on the benefit of inhaling and exhaling. This class is for all levels of practice and meets Tuesdays at 6:15 p.m. and Saturdays at 9:30 a.m.

Restorative: This Restorative & Gentle Yoga class is helpful for those seeking to heal and soothe their bodies while easing the mind. It's perfect for pre- and post-natal women and seniors to gain flexibility at a gentle pace, as well as desk warriors who need a lunch hour break. Class meets Wednesdays at 11 a.m.

Slow Flow: Need slower transitions and deeper stretches? Sunday afternoon can be the perfect time to center and focus before a hectic work week. Carve time out for intentional movement and breathing to find your strength and calm on Sundays at 4 p.m.

About the Grand Rapids Downtown Market:
The Grand Rapids Downtown Market is the region's new choice for fresh, delicious foods, and amazing public market merchants. The Market is a LEED Gold-certified, $30 million, self-sustaining, mixed-use facility that brings together production, distribution, marketing, and education about local foods and growing. It incorporates entrepreneur and experimentation space for both emerging and experienced food artisans and merchants including a 24-vendor Market Hall and large outdoor farmer's market. Learn more at www.downtownmarketgr.com.


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