
The holidays provide a wonderful opportunity to connect with family and friends, creating the kind memories that make us smile for years to come. They can also be a hotbed of stress, resentfulness, and guilt.

Deciding whether to stay put in your own home or travel to see others could factor into either situation. Things might get even more complicated when you add kids to the mix.

Keep in mind that what you decide for this year doesn't commit you to making that same decision every year. Circumstances such as jobs, kids (and their ages), moves, and health change, as could and your holiday plans. West Michigan mother of two Ann Wingrove, whose extended family lives out of state, traveled during the holidays with her boys when they were young, but as the boys got older decided to stay home and create their own traditions. "We stopped going to their grandparents' houses at Christmas once the kids were old enough to really enjoy all the traditions of 'Santa'—like leaving food out for the reindeer and leaving a note and snack for Santa. As long as there were no exceptional factors, we wanted them to be in their own home for these special moments."

Click here to read this article in its entirety in West Michigan Woman's digital magazine.


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