

"Every time I see a butterfly it reminds me of my sister. While I was on-set during eightWest, Paul Collins was a guest and brought a collection of his beautiful work. One painting was a huge pink butterfly sitting on a lily pad, and I fell in love with the piece. For my birthday, my husband surprised me with the painting. Every time I look at it I feel a sense of peace and joy, knowing she's not far away."

Jordan Carson is compassionate. She grew up in a close family, with parents who taught their daughters it was good to be different and important to embrace diversity—to see beauty in being biracial, in everything, in everyone. Her mother, an educator, stressed, "We are all different."

Since she was little, Jordan wanted to help when someone was in need. If a child had no lunch, she shared hers. Helping and giving were instilled by her family. Animal advocacy—her dog, Sammy, is her "little ray of sunshine"—and aiding children are important to her. She studied Child Psychology and Psychological Neuroscience, wanting to open a practice and help children. She changed majors, yet never stopped wanting to help.

The WOOD TV eightWest co-host and WOTV 4 Women Social Sizzle reporter and producer has lived most of her life in West Michigan. Jordan worked as a national spokesperson for the North American International Auto Show for years, living out of suitcases. It was a great experience, but it wasn't home. She loves talking about cars. "I'm kind of a gearhead." She loves talking about people. She's motivated by those who "create a ripple effect." She's drawn to broadcasting.

"People's stories are interesting to me."


Her love of journalism began at Central Michigan University, where Jordan earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Broadcast and Cinematic Arts and minored in dance, a passion since childhood. Jordan joined WOOD TV via the F4CE of 4 competition for WOTV 4. Following her one-year contract, she was hired full time. "Mom and Dad were thrilled when I got the job!" She's humbled to be part of WOOD TV, and happy to be in her booming hometown. She's excited to see change throughout West Michigan. She's proud this is home. "Grand Rapids gives Michigan a positive name. It has so many things to offer."

During F4CE of 4, people saw Jordan as young, fun, telling entertainment stories. While fun remains, it's important to dive into deeper stories—the human-interest stories she loves and wants to focus on. The stories are out there; seeing donations arrive or people volunteering after a broadcast helps drive her. "People are listening."

Jordan long wanted to tell her sister's story, and now she has a platform to reach additional people. Today, Jordan wants to be heard for Kaelyn. 

To read more about Jordan Carson, click here for the digital edition of West Michigan Woman Magazine.


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