
On March 22, 2017, Sandra Gaddy began her new role as CEO of Women's Resource Center (WRC)—a nonprofit organization that advocates for women to achieve economic independence through meaningful employment. Sandra brings over 20 years of experience in strategic planning and fund development to the position, as well as a talent for developing teams and building collaborative relationships.

Could you begin by telling us a little about yourself?

I grew up in Detroit and attended Detroit Public schools. I share that because I am proud of where I came from, and I love the city of Detroit. I was exposed to many wonderful things that help shape who I am, like its rich culture, arts, sports and more.

College, specifically Ferris State University, brought me to West Michigan. My husband, Arlen, grew up in Grand Rapids—and we stayed.

I am most passionate about my faith, family and service. My family is extremely important to me, so I place a high value on the time I get to spend with them—especially exercise and summer outdoor activities. But I am also that woman who can watch college football on a Saturday all by myself, and I am a diehard Detroit sports fan!

What excites you most about your new role as CEO of WRC?

The opportunities for collective impact excites me, specifically as it relates to providing opportunities for women in nontraditional roles and jobs—such as coding, or tool and die professionals.

WRC's mission is to advocate for women to achieve economic independence through meaningful employment. Why is this important to you, and how do you hope to accomplish this in your role as CEO?

Women's Resource Center helps women discover their strengths and talents while overcoming barriers to employment and economic independence. We provide gender-specific assistance, so women can break the cycle of poverty. We serve women from different walks of life. Whether serving single moms trying to make ends meet, women who are justice-involved, or women facing employment barriers due to job loss and/or underemployment, the WRC team and our outstanding volunteers are committed to equip and empower women for success.

What can the West Michigan community do to help your efforts?

There are many ways the community can help or get involve, from donating professional clothing to our Working Women Clothing Closet, providing items from our needs list, donating services, or supporting WRC financially. We are grateful for your consideration! Please visit our website at www.grwrc.org, or call us at 616.458.5443.

Edited by Cassie Westrate, staff writer for West Michigan Woman.

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