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From this issue

As Michiganders, we know well that our state can be counted amongst the most beautiful and exciting. That's all thanks to a bevy of natural wonders, a full four seasons, unmatched attractions and the people who make it all happen. Come along as we set off on a Michigan must-see journey, where we encourage you to be a tourist in your own state.
Many small business owners will tell you the road to successful entrepreneurship is hardly smooth. In addition to a solid business plan, it takes plenty of grit, strong self-belief, good mentors, resilience and an unwavering willingness to get back up when you've been knocked down.
Farah Merhi deeply understands the power of a warm, welcoming and comfortable home. Having been born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in Africa to Lebanese parents who previously fled war-torn Lebanon in search of a better life, she knows what it's like to be forced to leave everything you know.
Spring is officially here, meaning that many of us are getting outside more and soaking up some much needed fresh air. We're also getting to work on some spring cleaning in our homes.