
April showers bring May flowers. The advent of spring has us ooing and ahhing over nature's beauty. Do something to preserve your leafy green view the next time you throw a party. Earth-friendly get togethers are easy on Mother Nature and your wallet. Use recycled products, borrow before renting, eliminate waste, and above all be resourceful in order to preserve resources for years to come.

Invitations: Using recycled paper or hand-made paper is a good place to start. If you are throwing a more formal event like a wedding, retirement party, or anniversary party, send your invitations in advance to eliminate the need for save the date cards. If the event is informal, go digital. Sending an e-vite or creating a Facebook event gets the word out and saves paper, postage, and your mailman's gas.

Decorations: Your home or venue can be beautifully decorated and eco-conscious too! Use flowers that are in season, or consider centerpieces that incorporate items you have around the house or stored in your attic. Choose a few lovely vases, a stack of books tied with a ribbon, picture frames with old family photos, or a jar filled with whatever produce you have in the refrigerator. The menu: Buying food that is in-season is healthful and mindful of the environment. Purchase items on your menu from local vendors, and check out the farmer's market. You may even find flowers to use for decorating there. 

Favors: Give your guests a parting gift that will last a lifetime. Seedlings can be purchased online or at a local tree sale. Guests can plant the tree back at home as a reminder of your event and as a benefit to the world around them.

A single step in an environmentally friendly direction will reduce your carbon footprint, and guests will enjoy your springtime, eco-friendly theme too.

Source and photo: Martha Stewart Living

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