
Sacred Pregnancy Info Night

Engage with the West Michigan Woman Community!

Are you wondering what Sacred Pregnancy & Birth Classes are all about? Come to our Sacred Pregnancy info night and learn more about the global Sacred Pregnancy movement and how you can get involved! 

When: May 27, 2013 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Where: Baby Beloved, 555 Mid Towne St. NE, Ste. 100, Grand Rapids

Learn how to create your sacred space at home. The event will have refreshments for everyone to enjoy. We will also be raffling off Sacred Pregnancy sponsor giveaways. Please bring a small jar to take home your salts from the Salt Bowl. 

RSVP by e-mail: [email protected]


More About Sacred Pregnancy: 

What are Sacred Pregnancy Classes?

Your Sacred Pregnancy is a journey. Our classes hold space for pregnant women to connect with one another and their pregnancy experiences in meaningful and personal ways. Sacred Pregnancy groups are being held all around the world and are the new wave of the pregnancy and birthing future. We are hell bent on changing the birth conversation as Sacred Pregnancy classes bring back the age old tradition of women sitting with one another during pregnancy and birth, getting empowered, witnessing each others’ process, and being there for one another during an incredibly powerful rite of passage—becoming mothers.

Sacred Pregnancy classes are a special place for pregnant women to gather together, for eight weeks early on in their pregnancy journeys and again for weeks weeks toward (< Is that a duplicate “weeks” or should another word be there?) the end of their pregnancies. Each week is spent exploring pertinent topics that naturally arise for most women as they walk down their pregnancy paths and encourage deep sharing, exploring art, expression, laughter, honoring, and celebration.

Pregnancy is one of the deepest drinks life has to offer. Each woman’s pregnancy pot gets stirred with various emotions, and we all need a safe place to process those tides and sip some sanity from the community cauldron.

We want to take the pregnancy and birth conversation through winding unsure roads,  down unbeaten paths, out on adventures, for a slow dance, get sexy beautiful with it, down and bloody with it, cram it with herbs, tears, passion, love, and fresh perspective, crack it open for new rays of sunlight to shine down and help enlightened visions grow, and mostly have fun pouring over all this juicy goodness together, in the new sisterhood we are creating!

The Sacred Pregnancy movement is blossoming because of two things: first, women are calling for change and secondly, business as usual isn't enough! We want more, we deserve more, we crave more, and we are waking up to how to get more! And what is this more I speak of? 

Honoring, love, sisterhood, good food, accurate cutting edge information, peace, calm, less needles and cranky vibes, joy, sexy, goofy, flowers, empowerment, creativity, round full gorgeous bellies, herbs, tinctures, soup!, bliss, good tears, sweet tunes that move us to dance, and sweet babies born into our loving embrace.

The Class Descriptions:

The eight-week “pregnancy journey” courses explore the following topics:

Week One Sacred Space: Explore creating a personal sacred space at home, meditation practice, and the benefits of journaling. Sister Project: You will create a collage candle.

Week Two Connection and Expectations: Explore connection to yourself, the baby, and the pregnancy experience, and discuss your pregnancy expectations. Sister Project: You will create a “mother wisdom” painting.

Week Three Food and Body Image: Explore cravings, mindful eating, body changes, and challenges. Sister Project: You will create menu cards, declare your personal song, and be witnessed with bare belly dancing.

Week Four Relationships and Romance: Bring your partner to class and discuss relationship shifts, romance, and keeping the fire lit! Sister Project: You and your partner will create heart art, and make a sweet connection.

Week Five Fears: Holding space to discuss all fears relating to pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. Sister Project: You will burn your fears and do a group empowerment silk painting

Week Six Forgiveness: Find the strength to forgive past hurts and allow emotional space to open up before baby comes. Sister Project: Ripping free and binding your power “spirit stick."

Week Seven Honoring: Discuss emotional nesting, gender bias, and mother blessings. Sister Project: Personal power blessings and essential oils soak.

Week Eight Sisterhood "Going to the bowl”: The last week is spent in a sisterhood circle in deep reflection of the experiences shared together and going forward. Sister Project: Going to the salt bowl.


The four-week “birth journey” courses are for pregnant couples and explore the following topics: 

Week One Standing at the Edge: Discuss what is happening to your birthing body and visualizations. Partner Project: Create personal visualization, beauty way birth plan, and mala mantras 

Week Two Surrender: Practice pushing into the surges and not contracting away. Trust. Surge strategies. The power of smell and song. Partner Project: Power stones and choose a birth song.

Week Three Birth Talk: When will I know I am in labor, technical talk, education, calling on earth, air, fire, and water! Sister Project: Love labor method and deep voice toning.

Week Four Rite of Passage: Discuss rite of passage, mother roasting, and mother wisdom. Sister Project: Learn to make an herbal sitz bath, crossing the threshold from maiden to mother, and community stone soup.

Source: Kristin Revere is the first and only Sacred Pregnancy instructor in Michigan. Read more about her here!

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