
Tulip Time and the Holland Area Arts Council have announced the 2020 Festival Artwork Competition!

The competition, which determines the official Tulip Time poster, is open to submissions from local artists residing in Ottawa, Allegan, Kent, Muskegon and Kalamazoo counties.

Each year, the Holland Area Arts Council invites a juror to select the Top 20 pieces. Selected for 2020 is John Berry, former Vice President of Corporate Communications at Herman Miller. John, whose years of experience include roles as founder and first Executive Director of Design West Michigan and founder and first Director of the Design Thinking Academy at Grand Valley State University, has a Master of Fine Arts in design from Cranbrook Academy of Art and a Bachelor of Science in design and Spanish from Indiana University.

Until 2011, posters were commissioned work from selected artists. Since the transition into a Festival Artwork Competition, eight local artists have been awarded this honor, including two-time winner Carolyn Stich, who sat down with West Michigan Woman last year to discuss her art and her efforts to help the Holland Hospital Breast Care Fund.

Festival Artwork Competition Winners

2011 | Beth Charles – "Drama Queens"
2012 | Brittany Strabbing – "Beautiful Dream"
2013 | Maggie Schultz – "Clothed in Splendor"
2014 | Karin Nelson – "Resilience"
2015 | Carolyn Stich – "Joy of Spring"
2016 | Alla Dickson – "Spectacle"
2017 | Michele Gort – "Playful Time"
2018 | Cindy Awrey – "Together"
2019 | Carolyn Stich – "Enduring Delft"

Submissions for the 2020 Festival Artwork Competition will be accepted October 2 – 5, 2019. The artwork theme should represent the Tulip Time mission to celebrate Holland's community today, tulips, and Dutch heritage. The winner of the 2020 competition will be announced at a reception celebrating Tulip Time's artists, to be held in February 2020.


To view the submission forms and full entry requirements, please pick up a prospectus from the Tulip Time Festival Office or the Holland Area Arts Council. The prospectus is also available online at Tulip Time and at Holland Area Arts Council.

For additional details, artists are encouraged to contact Mary Sundstrom at 616.396.3278 or [email protected].

Written by Sarah Suydam, Staff Writer for West Michigan Woman.

Photos courtesy of Tulip Time Festival. 

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