
West Michiganders are lucky to have one of the country's oldest historic districts right in our backyard! The Heritage Hill neighborhood consists of 1,300 homes dating back to 1843. On May 21 and 22, 2016, you can tour these beautiful architectural relics.

During the 47th annual Heritage Hill Tour, visitors will learn the history of eight private houses and two historic buildings, while soaking in their beauty.

The Heritage Hill area represents Michigan's finest collection of 19th- and 20th-century American architecture. Heritage Hill's architectural and decorating style is beautiful and intriguing, as are its great urban gardens.

This Old House and the American Planning Association rate Heritage Hill as one of the greatest places in the United States to stroll through.

Tickets can be purchased by visiting www.heritagehillweb.org and are also available at the Heritage Hill Association office, 126 College SE, Grand Rapids.

Take a walk through history in this lovely neighborhood. If only the walls could talk!

Written by Lisa Stickler, staff writer for West Michigan Woman magazine.

Photo courtesy of the Heritage Hill Association.



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