
More than $35,000 in scholarships will be awarded this year in the twelfth annual ATHENA Scholarship program. Women over the age of thirty who are working toward a college degree are eligible to apply for these scholarships to off-set the costs of tuition, books, childcare, or transportation. The application deadline is May 4.

Network other scholarship fund contributors at the 2012 ATHENA Stylish Soiree Scholarship Fundraiser in April. Attendees can shop for this year's latest fashions in accessories, get makeup touch-ups, and stress relieving treatments.

A fundraiser event to support the scholarship fun will take place April 11 from 5-7:30 p.m. at i3 Business Solutions–560 5th Street NW Ste. 404. Tickets are $20 before April 9, or $25 at the door. Funds raised will be used for the 2012 scholarship fund.

Source: Grand Rapids Chamber eNews

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