
Heroes walk among us, every day. Komen Michigan's Powerfully Pink event will spotlight Michigan superheroes.

Survivors will be honored, as well as grantees and organizations across the state who use Komen funds to further the mission, and companies using their influence to help make an impact in our communities. Komen Michigan will also bestow Powerfully Pink awards. Be a part of this powerful lunch event!

Andrea Vecchio, author of Live Your Playlist, will be a guest speaker. The vent will also include a silent auction, special entertainment, superhero photo shots and a great lunch.

Powerfully Pink will be held Tuesday, December 15, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Watermark Country Club, 5500 Cascade Road SE, Grand Rapids. Tickets, $35 per person,  include lunch. Click here to purchase tickets.

Photo courtesy of Komen Michigan.


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