
Get ready for a night of nonstop laughter with Bill Engvall—American Comedy Awards winner, Grammy nominee, actor, and comedian!

Some of you may remember that Engvall was scheduled to perform last year, but due to a family engagement had to cancel his performance. Well, all systems are go this year! He has toured with Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, and the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. He's starred in many television shows on CMT and TBS, and on ABC's Dancing with the Stars. And now he's bringing his enormously funny act to Tulip Time. Engvall will perform one show at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 13, at Central Wesleyan Auditorium. Premium seating tickets (rows 1 through 11) are $72 per person; general seating tickets are $58 per person.

"This year, we are really thrilled about how all of the entertainment options fell into place," stated Gwen Auwerda, Tulip Time executive director. "Not only are we adding some great new national performers to the lineup, but our local talent organizations have really mixed it up this year to bring together a really great variety."

The Wonder Bread Years – Thursday, May 12, 7 p.m. Tickets $32/person.

New this year is a show that Jerry Seinfeld describes as "milk-snorting funny!" Tulip Time welcomes The Wonder Bread Years! This fresh and funny salute to Americana stars Pat Hazell, a former Seinfeld writer, who takes us through this hilarious production that will leave you laughing and savoring the past. For anyone who has had to "sit at the kids table" or has ridden in the back of the Country Squire Wagon, this show is a comic bull's-eye.

Walt Matzke's Four Pianos – Wednesday, May 11, 7 p.m. Tickets $25/person.

Walt Matzke's Four Pianos features four master pianists on four grand pianos performing brilliant arrangements of classical, Broadway, pop favorites, movie themes, and more. With symphony percussionists and a spark of humor, Four Pianos will delight and ignite the audience. The performance will take place at the new Jack H. Miller Center for Musical Arts Concert Hall. With the acoustical qualities of this new space, this show will be nothing short of spectacular!

FiddleFire – Wednesday, May 11, 7 p.m. Tickets $23/person.

FiddleFire has quickly become a festival favorite and returns in 2016 for its fourth year. FiddleFire creates their own unique contemporary folk style through the fusion of various musical styles including bluegrass, Irish, and classical.

New Odyssey Dinner Show – Monday, May 9, through Friday, May 13, 6:30 p.m. Tickets $44/person.

Haworth Inn's Chef Randy Taylor creates an incredible dinner to start off this evening followed by this high-energy festival favorite. Three ultratalented guys on 30 different musical instruments perform outstanding arrangements of almost every musical style!

Local Art & Culture Line-up:
The Local Art & Culture Series, sponsored by Fifth Third Bank, will offer plenty of opportunity to laugh and sing along with the array of entertainment provided by Holland's local organizations.

Leaving Iowa, a comedy by Spike Manton and Tim Clue performed by the Holland Civic Theatre, is a postcard to anyone who has found themselves on a road trip, revisiting fond memories of their youth.

The Holland Chorale presents With a Song in My Heart: A Night with Richard Rodgers. Enjoy a tribute to this prolific composer of more than 900 songs and 43 musicals such as Oklahoma! and The Sound of Music.

The Holland Windmill Chorus celebrates The Beatles with a barbershop harmony twist as they present Beatles4Ever! The award-winning Holland High School Theatre presents The Marvelous Wonderettes. You've never had this much fun at a prom and will never forget this night of classic hits.

Evergreen Chorale invites you to experience Broadway's Best with musical, theatrical, and dance talent ensembles; a full, live pit band; and the ever-popular Ah!Men quartet.

Enjoy the sensational talent from four area high schools as they present Dazzle! Enjoy this grand collection of soloists, show choir, and orchestral performances.

A Passion for Flowers and Gardening

It's no secret Tulip Time visitors love flowers—particularly tulips—and many also share a passion for gardening. As a result, Tulip Time chose to add some gardening-related programs in 2015. "The reception to these new programs was incredible," said Susan Zalnis, Tulip Time marketing and program development director. "For this reason, we are very excited to offer similar events in 2016 by partnering with two individuals that not only bring extensive knowledge, but who really know how to engage and entertain an audience!"

Get a Good Swift Kick in the Plants! – Saturday, May 7, 2 p.m. Tickets $20/person.

Learn the 10 secrets to success from gardening guru Rick Vuyst, and experience his contagious passion for gardening as a happy and healthy lifestyle. Also known as "Mr. Green Thumb," Rick is the host of the popular radio program The Flowerland Show, airing Saturday mornings on NewsRadio WOOD 1300 and 106.9 FM; a frequent guest on WZZM-TV 13; CEO of Flowerland stores; and blogger at thankyouverymulch.com.

Fun with Flowers and J – Saturday, May 14, 10 a.m. Tickets $25/person.

Did you know that the act of arranging flowers releases endorphins that make us feel happier and reduces stress? Flower expert J Schwanke from ubloom.com will share some creative, fun-filled ways to enjoy flowers 365 days a year. Featuring a rainbow of spring flowers, including tulips, J will share his tips, tricks, and secrets. Get ready to burst into bloom, and have fun with flowers and J!

Several other events are still in the works, including some fun, experiential events. Festival schedules and full event details will soon be available on www.tuliptime.com. Watch for the Tulip Time Preview brochures, available later this month, in Downtown Holland businesses, or join our mailing list to receive your own copy by visiting www.tuliptime.com.

Tickets for all shows go on sale November 9, 2015. Tickets can be purchased online at www.tuliptime.com, in person at the Tulip Time Festival Box Office at 74 West 8th Street in Holland, or by calling 800.822.2770.

Join the Dance at Tulip Time, May 7 – 14, 2016.

Photo courtesy of Tulip Time.


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