
Combine a little girl time with some holiday shopping, all for a great cause! Shoppe Soirée is a benefit for the Personal Care Area at Mercy Health Lacks Cancer Center. Come with your girlfriends, colleagues, or on your own for an evening of shopping, mingling, chocolate, pink cocktails, and holiday cheer!

Shop specially chosen items including boutique-quality jewelry, clothing, and accessories; essential oils and other personal care products; holiday décor; and many other gift possibilities. Check off some the ladies on your "To Buy For" list, or pick up a few things for yourself.

While the Soirée is a ladies-only event, the Thousand Oaks Acorn Grille will host your menfolk (you'll need someone to help carry your bags, right?) and will donate twenty percent of any food or drinks ordered to the Personal Care Area.

The beneficiary of this event, the Personal Care Area of the Lacks Cancer Center, provides a variety of services to cancer patients, including wig fittings, hair shaving, bra and prosthesis fittings, makeup application and skincare consultations, and a variety of other services to help patients feel comfortable and more like themselves. Licensed cosmetologists and certified fitters staff the Personal Care Area, which in the last year alone assisted more than 1,200 patients. To learn more about the Lacks Cancer Center's Personal Care Area, click here.

Shoppe Soirée takes place Tuesday, December 2, from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Thousand Oaks Golf Club. Tickets are $35 in advance and $40 after November 25 at the door. Click here to register online.

Tweet all about it: #Shoppe2014.

Photo courtesy of Tiberius Images.


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