
Recent Career Articles

Explore what success in the workplace means to you.

Career-Intergenerational Original CroppedSalad ingredients sprinkle the lunch counter in many offices each afternoon. But have you ever thought about how that salad represents the workplace?

Career-Goals CroppedAccording to Nell Merlino, author of Stepping Out of Line and founder of Take Your Daughter to Work Day, the average woman is earning less than $50,000 annually. Setting proper goals is the first step in reaching earning potential for women, and writing down those goals and creating action plans will increase the probability of achieving them.

Career-Raise CroppedAsking employers for a raise can be an intimidating and sometimes touchy subject, especially for women, says Communications Professor Danielle Leek. When considering asking for a raise, be thoughtful and patient, this conversation takes practice.

Career-PaidForPublicSpeakingMost of the time, getting paid means cold, hard cash. But there are some forms of compensation that may be more beneficial than Benjamins, especially for public speakers. In a survey by the National Speaker's Association, 81.1 percent of public speakers said they worked for no fee at least once in the last year. In addition, 89.6 percent of the same speakers said they speak for free one in ten times. Still, public speakers benefit from giving presentations without pay. Instead of raking in the dough, speakers develop good reputations and secure positive exposure and marketing.

Career-HandShakeIf you've taken a break from the working world to start a family, getting back into it can be daunting. With confidence, however, you can launch yourself, and your career, right back into the game. Follow these steps to achieve your goals in the work force:

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