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Pinterest is the new social media kid on the block, but with its 10 million active monthly users, it isn't something business owners should wait to use if they want to watch sales grow. Many companies are already using Pinterest to drive traffic to their websites or raise awareness of company offerings. The image-sharing site is worth a thousand words, or a thousand plus page views when used correctly.

Treat others as you want to be treated is the Golden Rule of customer service, right? In a day and age where service is clearly lacking, the Golden Rule is hard to find, let alone define. Wikipedia defines customer service as “a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation.”
Delivering good customer service is meeting the basic expectation of the customer. Delivering great customer service is exceeding the customer’s expectations. It’s the WOW! It’s that experience that people remember, that instills trust, and gets that customer to come back time and time again. Great customer service builds loyal customers and that can make a significant impact on your bottom line.  “A 5 percent improvement in customer retention rates will yield between a 20-100 percent increase in profits across a wide range of industries.” (Reichheld , Fred. The Loyalty Effect).

A successful business includes the perfect combination of profit flow (up, not down), respect from other industry leaders, satisfied customers, and at the end of the day, a balanced life. But how does one get there? Forming positive habits in your everyday life will lead to fulfilled business goals. Follow these suggestions to get your company where you would like it to be:

Creating a team atmosphere in the workplace unites employees together in a common goal–to better the business. Each employee has a part to play in reaching company-wide success as well as personal objectives. Improve your employee relationships and help your business to flourish by investing in team building activities.

Even if no one else is taking the first step, you can be a leader among colleagues and prove to the business world that your skills are valuable and necessary for company growth. Take your work to the next level with innovative tactics that set you, and your company apart. Try these ways of ramping up innovation in your every day work life.

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