
Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women (GROW)—a nonprofit organization that empowers women entrepreneurs to launch, advance and sustain their business through various stages of ownership—is rolling up its sleeves and getting to work with new and redesigned training programs and business counseling.

EmpowerHER, one of GROW's newest additions, is a cohort-based, year-long training program for women entrepreneurs who are in business and looking to stabilize and scale up.

"EmpowerHER is aimed at the entrepreneur who has been in business for over a year and is generating some revenue, but not enough to be sustainable," said Bonnie Nawara, CEO of GROW.

The program provides business owners with foundational tools to build capacity, develop their customer base and increase revenue by pairing them with one of four business development specialists who supply them with monthly one-on-one sessions, helping them with strategy, goal setting, actions steps and accountability.

The program begins with an in-depth assessment and analysis of the business—including financials, key performance indicators, marketing plans and operations. Then, working with GROW staff and their pool of business consultants, owners will set strategic goals and a plan to reach them.

What does EmpowerHER offer?

"The opportunity to be mentored by some of the most successful women entrepreneurs in our community," said Nawara. "To have one to one coaching and counseling, as well as skill set enhancement resources that help the entrepreneur augment their own knowledge."

Interested? Learn more online at growbusiness.org.


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